
Showing posts from December, 2016

Candlesticks & Daggers Interview Series

Are you curious about what it is like to put together an anthology, or self publish? Want to know how other writers started writing, or how they've cracked certain markets?  Please join me for t he first in a series of interviews on Candlesticks & Daggers anthology contributors at publisher Kelly Ann Jacobson's blog:

After the Happily Ever After Anthology Available!

I've got a story in the After the Happily Ever After anthology by Transmundane Press : The paperback version: And, until the end of the year, a Kindle version is available for $6.99. Great value for a 536 page book!

Candlesticks and Daggers Anthology Available Now!

I'm delighted to announce that I have a new story, "Soon Night Will Press Upon You," being published in the Candlesticks and Daggers anthology which just became available on Amazon. Lots of great stories to curl up with over the holidays! Here is the blurb from the back of the book: Candlesticks and Daggers is an anthology of short stories, poems, and personal essays that mix mystery stories with elements of other genres, including romance, science fiction, horror, fantasy, and more. Mystery solvers from Sherlock Holmes to the local cat lady must figure out not only whodunit, but cross time, space, and even reality in order to do so. You can find the anthology here: Candlesticks-Daggers- Anthology-Mixed-Genre- Mysteries/dp/1540414558/ref= sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid= 1481298934&sr=8-1& keywords=candlesticks+and+ daggers