I is for Inspiration


You must do the things you think you cannot do. 
-Eleanor Roosevelt

The first definition in the dictionary for inspiration is:
The process of being mentally stimulated to do something creative.

Writers are inspired by many different things. People we talk to, things we see or hear. But sometimes we miss opportunities without even knowing it. 

How do we avoid this? 

By remaining open to inspiration. 

How do we do this? 

Resist judgment, for one thing. Otherwise we close off avenues for inspiration without even knowing it.

The Ko'olau Writers' Workshop insipred me deeply over the weekend. I enjoyed two fantastic workshops with Stuart Coleman (stuart-coleman.com) and Lee Cataluna (interview with playwright Lee Cataluna), a wonderful address by Nora Okjang Keller (Nora Okja Keller) & beautiful poetry by 2016 James A. Vaughan award winner Joseph Stanton (Joseph Stanton)But had I spent too much time analyzing the lineup, I wouldn't have attended Stuart's class, because it was on creative nonfiction, or Lee's, because it was on scriptwriting. 

And that would have been a big mistake. 

You see, just because I don't write nonfiction or plays, doesn't mean I can't learn a lot from master practitioners in these areas. And I had a ton of fun in the process.

It is always good to go outside of what you are comfortable with. Not only does it make you look at life (and craft) differently, but it also inspires you in ways you'd never imagine.

If you live in Hawaii, this yearly workshop held at Hawaii Pacific University is a must attend: ko'olauwritersworkshop.com.

If you don't live in Hawaii, there are workshops & conferences held year-round around the world:
more writers conferences

The second definition in the dictionary for inspiration is:
The drawing in of breath, inhalation.

Allow yourself to be open to everything. The inspiration will come.

Just breathe. You can do it.

What inspires you?

Interesting & inspirational links


2 strangers improvise together @ Gare du Nord


  1. Sometimes we have to remember to step outside our comfort zone and see what happens.

    ~Ninja Minion Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
    Story Dam
    Patricia Lynne, Indie Author

  2. I often find nature to be inspiring. It often brings such peace and calmness which I think helps to keep oneself open.

  3. Glad you enjoyed the conference and stepped outside your comfort zone. So much to learn from everyone. Great links and am enjoying checking them out. Now I have another reason to go to hawaii!

  4. There are lots of reasons to come to Hawaii! :-) Hope to meet you in person one day. xx


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