A historical account of events arranged in order of time, usually without analysis or interpretation. (Merriam-Webster) The COVID-19 epidemic is one for the records. If you keep a journal, you will want to take careful note. Because one day, historians will want firsthand accounts. And here we are, cooped up at home, so why not? Now, Oscar Wilde apparently said that it is "The function of an artist is to invent, not to chronicle." Fair enough. But what if he was wrong? And E.M. Forester said that "life is easy to chronicle but bewildering to practice." Yet when in recent history has life felt more bewildering? In all seriousness, this is a situation unlike any other in my lifetime. So pick up a pen, grab a laptop, it doesn't matter whether you write or type or tweet—but document what this experience is like. And—be a rebel, add in that analysis and/or interpretation. Some day people will want to know. If you were to write down 10 things abou...
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